Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1998 Honda Accord Transmission

Now, I also have a mistrust perhaps you could help with. Our 98 Honda Accord EX 4cyl vtec transmission all of a rapid ongoing slipping yesterday. It only did it from commons to first/undo and when you pause and go again. Engine zoomed had to hit about 1000rpm then it yanked on you. Fluid flat was fair. I have to be candid that I have neglected the transmission military and wasn't sentient awaiting then that there is no filter to advantage which would be more, the basis to change fluid every 30,000. More interesting is that nowadays there is once again no difficult at all. Pulled codes and get TPS voltage or stream issues which has been on and off for about a year now. Any help?

1998 Honda Accord Transmission

I recognize the seek work can be grief sometimes, but this topic has been enclosed MANY period (I saw at slightest 2 other posts on the first page like this one). Please use the explore next time. Alright, with that said...

This is a very shared riddle with most reliable Accords. You could have treated your trans entirely and this still may have happened farther. Regular maintenance can help, but unfortunately its mostly a losing conflict. Maybe you will be blessed and something repairable, but this is regularly not the situation.

1998 Honda Accord Transmission

As YeuEmMaiMai said, replacing the trans will be the most projected result. If you harbor't at least let a mechanic look at it, do so (or get their view at least, don't just take our word for it). Most possible you hardship to create getting quotes for replacing it. Fortunately the job is seemly cheaper because more and more people are having to have it has done.

Good windfall!

My consort took it by the store today and it wouldn't do something wicked of course. He said however the same about the trannies needing work all the time. Quoted about 1500 to rebuild it. It has 135000 on it and everything else besides the tranny I have always done normal maintenance on. Running Mobil bursting unreal and always Wix filter. Engine should perhaps outlive the tranny rebuild for trusty. It is rewarded for so if I have to rebuild then so be it.

^ Yikes......Maybe its better to buy a JDM low K tranny instead. I was faced with this probel abotu 8000KM ago.

I'm clearly you will get the JDM tranny to last while the engine. IF you can DIY then for sure put the JDM tranny it its half the rate.


It doesn't should to be JDM, but a good low mileage or H&A rebuilt would be best. Save your citizen mechanic is a honda specialist i would steer sheer of having your transmission rebuilt.

The shop i worn to work at would do this job with an original reman-ed H&A transmission with effort and other parts for about $2200. That's only an farther $700 over your mention and you know it will be right because that's all H&A does. It also comes with a 3-year warranty.

Appreciate all the word. 1998 Honda Accord Transmission
After the first time of acting up and still liability it on the way to the tranny shop, it hasn't done something erroneous since the tech got in and went for an ambition. That same day I drained the fluid and replaced with the Honda fluid. The drain block looked about like a chia pet but maybe to be expected after over 100,000 w/ no maintenance. I have heard that this hindrance could have just been because the inside is so corrupt that a monitor got temporarily plugged not hire enough heaviness through until off idle race or valve sticking in the valve body. Either way I'm probably available to curve up at the shop sometime. The guys not import specialists but the do rebuild the Hondas somewhat often according to the tech.


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